Thursday, November 19, 2009


people should call their children by what they are doing at that moment, rather then a name, for there first 4 years. 
these children will grow up identifying with their actions rather then a series of sounds.

these children will gain a fundamental understanding of the relationship between them and their interaction with the world. 

okay, bye now.

match me if you can.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today is definitely a Wednesday.

I am starting a garden in my room. To start it off I bought three yellow lily plants and an aloe vera plant, which I placed on a shelf under my windowsill.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


this is the way I need to wake.
open my eyes, i see sky.

today I will:
go to class at 11,
I will attend the public discussion about a health reform  at 6.
in between I will clean,
I will dance,
and I will sing.
Afterwards, I will throw jack-o-lanterns off of a bridge
with Jai and Amiet,
and then we will frolic and choose to abandon "Movie Night"
because we have decided!
to no longer spend all of our time as tele-zombies (even when planned.)
and instead! We will live,