listening to:
cold war kids.
ronnie day.
how am i?
alright i suppose.... i desperately need new tires or soon i will absolutely perish.
lately ive been feeling all a blur.. unsure of whether or not i am excited for the future or just trying to put each day behind me.
(do you believe in what you see?)
i went to mormon church for the first time this past sunday con mis amigos. it was interesting... everyone spoke of their faith as knowledge
(to represent how secure it is),
and that got me every time.
"I know that the book of mormon is truth."
"I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet."
they know! how can anyone really know of anything? for fuck's sake, i could go on about how i am not entirely sure that i am sitting on the chair i see and feel beneath me
r i g h t n o w .
it also made me miss Unity all the more, and so i plan to venture to SLC and attend the Unity Church there next Sunday morning... my first attendance to a Unity Church outside of Hawaii!
verry curious..